Mobile Communication and SMS Marketing Explained

How to get a conversion from 160 characters? Discover successful bulk SMS campaigns, automated text messaging and other applications of mobile communication channels for companies.

Sistema HLR (Home Location Register): valida un número de base de contactos

Sistema HLR (Home Location Register): valida un número de base de contactos

¿Cómo validar un número de teléfono? Conoce el sistema Home Location Register (HLR), un servicio que te permitirá comprobar los contactos en tu base de datos para desactivar los que ya no están activos. HLR lookup reduce el coste de comunicación y marketing por SMS. ¡Aprende cómo aprovechar la validación de números en tu sector! 

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Un método para realizar pruebas CTG en casa: entrevista con Carebits

Un método para realizar pruebas CTG en casa: entrevista con Carebits

La cardiotocografía (CTG) es una de las pruebas a las que se debe someter la mujer durante el embarazo. Desde hace poco, esta prueba se puede realizar en casa por cuenta propia, sin tener que desplazarse y esperar en un hospital. Hablamos con Eugeniusz Formaniuk de Carebits, fabricante polaco de equipos móviles para las pruebas […]

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HLR lookup (Home Location Register) – check numbers in the database

HLR lookup (Home Location Register) – check numbers in the database

How to check if a phone number is valid? Meet the HLR lookup! The Home Location Register service allows you to check contacts in your database against the information provided by the GSM operators. By excluding inactive numbers, you can lower the costs of SMS communication and marketing. Check how to use HLR!

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UTM parameters in SMS campaign – monitoring in Google Analytics

UTM parameters in SMS campaign – monitoring in Google Analytics

Parameters, codes, tags – UTM has many names, but one thing remains the same: it is a building block of many online marketing activities. This easy-to-use system is a common source of knowledge about user behaviour. See how to implement links with UTM in your SMS campaign. Find out what it is and how can […]

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Mobile CTG test done easily at-home – interview with Carebits

Mobile CTG test done easily at-home – interview with Carebits

Cardiotocography (CTG) is one of the important examinations that pregnant women should do. Since recently, it can be done at home, without a tedious trip to the hospital. We are talking with Eugeniusz Formaniuk from Carebits – polish-based global producer of mobile CTG examination devices.

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SMS, e-mail or push notification? (infographic)

SMS, e-mail or push notification? (infographic)

SMS, e-mail or push notification - which tool is best suited to lead marketing campaigns and communicate with customers?

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